Document Type : Original Article


1 Iranian Research Institute for Information Science & Technology (IranDoc); Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor;Department of Knowledge and Information Science; Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman; Kerman, Iran;

3 M.S.c. in Knowledge and Information Science; Kerman, Iran



Objective: The aim of this survey is to study the level of transcendence and determine the strengths and weaknesses of performance in public libraries in Kerman, focusing on organizational excellence criteria.
Methodology: The research is descriptive in nature with a measurement approach, and the data collection tool is a standard questionnaire based on the EFQM Excellence model. The questionnaire used is standardized and approved by the European Quality. The population under study in this survey includes librarians and individuals in charge of public libraries in Kerman, with a statistical sample comprising the entire population, totaling 54 individuals.
Findings: The results obtained from descriptive statistics of the survey indicate that the average self-assessment score of the performance of Kerman public libraries is as follows: in the leadership dimension, 62.69 out of 100; in the policy and strategy dimension, 47.61 out of 80; in the people dimension, 47.81 out of 90; in the partnership and resource dimension, 50.02 out of 90; in the processes dimension, 69.67 out of 140; in the customer’'s or user’'s results dimension, 116 out of 200; in the people results dimension, 46.91 out of 90; in the society results dimension, 37.56 out of 60; and in the key performance results dimension, 76.6 out of 150.
Conclusion: Analysis of the survey findings indicates that the criteria of leadership, strategy and policy, processes, and customer/user results are strengths, while the criteria of people, partnership and resource, people results, society results, and key performance require improvement in public libraries in Kerman.


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