The Journal of Knowledge-Research Studies aims to publish content that pertains to the philosophical, educational, sociological, economical, and psychological foundations of creation, provision, organization, sharing, and management of science, data, information, and knowledge. It takes an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and Open Access approach, allowing for a diverse range of perspectives to contribute to its publication. Accordingly, this Journal publishes articles on the following topics:
Historical Dimensions of Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Science Studies;
Economic Dimensions of Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Science Studies;
Educational and Psychological Dimensions of Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Science Studies;
Sociological and Anthropological Dimensions of Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Science Studies;
software and Hardware Dimensions of Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Science Studies;
Philosophical and Theoretical Dimensions of Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Science Studies;
Technological Dimensions of Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom and Science Studies.