Dear reviewer,
Thank you for taking the time to review the article for the Journal of Knowledge-Research Studies. Our goal is to publish high-quality scientific articles and promote interdisciplinary studies in the field of Knowledge and Information Science at an international level, with the help of esteemed referees like yourself.
Peer-review is a crucial process in which experts evaluate and provide feedback on the articles submitted to the journal. Through this process, reviewers assess the strengths and weaknesses of the article and provide explanations and examples to the author and editor. These evaluations help the editor make an informed decision on whether to accept the article for publication.
The feedback from reviewers is invaluable for the authors, as it helps them improve their articles and eventually reach the publication stage. reviewers play a vital role in identifying the weak points of the article that may hinder its publication.
We have confidence in you, dear reviewers, and trust that you will review the articles in a timely, fair, and thorough manner while preserving the authors' rights and fulfilling our obligations towards them.
The Journal of Knowledge-Research Studies team sincerely appreciates your efforts and the time you dedicate to the reviewing process. To facilitate efficient and effective reviews, please consider the following ethical guidelines:
Timely evaluation: We kindly request that you complete the evaluation of the article and relevant forms within 14 days. If you are unable to meet this deadline or unable to review the article, please inform us immediately through the system so that we can invite another reviewer if necessary.
Confidentiality: All articles submitted for review are confidential and should remain so until publication. Please refrain from sharing the article with others. If you believe that another colleague would be better suited to review the article, kindly inform us so that we can handle the transfer officially and with the colleague's permission. As referee information is also strictly confidential, please ensure that any comments in the article file are anonymous. Do not request the disclosure of the author's identity from our office as we value and respect the anonymity of authors until publication.
Fairness and impartiality: When critiquing an article, focus on the weaknesses of the article itself rather than criticizing the author. The use of unpleasant language may raise doubts about your impartiality, making it difficult for the author to accept your criticism even if it is valid and constructive. Your explanations should convince the author that: 1. You have read the entire article carefully; 2. Your criticism is appropriate and unbiased; and 3. You are an expert in the field and qualified to judge the article. Failing to gain the author's trust and gratitude may undermine the effectiveness of your review.
Misconduct or plagiarism: If you suspect misconduct or plagiarism in an article, please inform the editor, providing details and the source of your concerns. It should be noted that all articles undergo screening through the Samim Noor and Itenticate systems before being sent to referees.
Deception: Detecting deception in an article can be challenging, but if you suspect that the findings or data are not authentic, address your concerns in the referee form.
Conflict of interest: If you feel that you are unable to conduct an impartial review, please return the article without review and indicate the reason through the review system. If you have a personal connection to the author or their organization that may impact your judgment, please likewise return the article.
Once again, we express our gratitude for your dedication and time as a reviewer. Your adherence to these ethical guidelines will contribute to a fair and effective reviewing process.
Best regards,
Journal of Knowledge-Research Studies Editor Team
List of Reviewers of the Journal:
Javad Abbaspour (Assistant Professor), Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Shiraz
Afshin Hamdipour (Associate Professor), Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Tabriz;
Hashem Atapour (Associate Professor), Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Tabriz;
Rahman Ebrahimi (PhD in Knowledge and Information Science), Iran Public Libraries Foundation;
Hasan Ashrafi-Rizi (Professor), Department of Medical Library and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences;
Abbas Doulani (Associate Professor), Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Alzahra;
Farshid Danesh (Assistant Professor), Department of Information Management, Islamic World Science and Technology Monitoring and Citation Institute;
Davoud Haseli (Assistant Professor), Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University;
Ali Akhavan Ghannady (Assistant Professor), Department of business and entrepreneurship, Islamic Azad University;
Fahimeh Babalhavaeji (Associate Professor), Islamic Azad University;
Narges Neshat (Professor), Iran National Library and Archive;
Rouhallah Khademi (Assistant Professor), Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Semnan University;
Karim Hanafi Niri (PhD), Plan and Budget Organization