Muhammad Asghari (Associate Professor), Department of Philosophy, University of Tabriz, Iran


Hossein Asgharpur (Professor), Department of Economics, University of Tabriz


Hasan ashrafi-rizi (Professor), Department of Medical Library and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences


Rahim Badri (Professor), Department of Education, University of Tabriz


Gholamreza Fadaie (Professor), Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Tehran


Abdol-Hossein Farajpahlou  (Professor), Department of Knowledge and information Science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz



Afshin Hamdipour (Associate Professor), Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Tabriz


Ayaz Isazadeh (Professor), Department of Computer Science, University of Tabriz


Hamid R. Jamali (Senior Lecturer); Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia


Prof. P.B. Mangla (Professor), Tagore National Fellow (Govt. of India Ministry of Culture), Earlier: University of Delhi: Dean, Faculty of Arts; Chairman, Bd. of Research Studies (H); Head, Dept. Of Lib. & Information Sc.; UNESCO Expert


Mahdieh Mirzabeigi (Associate Professor), Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Shiraz


Nader Naghshine (Associate Professor), Department of Knowledge and information Science,  University of Tehran

Mohsen Nowkarizi (Professor), Department of Knowledge and information Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Muzammil Tahira, Professor (Assistant), Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore and Department of library and Information Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Malaysia


Bülent Yılmaz (Professor), Department of Information Management, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey


Rasoul Zavaraqi, (Associate Professor), Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Tabriz


Dr. Afshin Hamdipour Associate Professor in Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Tabriz

Knowledge and Information Science


Dr. Rasoul Zavaraqi Associate Professor in Knowledge and Information Science, University of Tabriz

Knowledge and Information Science


Dr. Akbar Majidi Assistant professor in Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Tabriz

Knowledge and Information Science

International Editorial Board

Prof. P.B. Mangla Tagore National Fellow (Govt. of India Ministry of Culture), Earlier: University of Delhi: Dean, Faculty of Arts; Chairman, Bd. of Research Studies (H); Head, Dept. Of Lib. & Information Sc.; UNESCO Expert

Knowledge and Information Science

International Editorial Board

Professor Bülent Yılmaz, Professor in Department of Information Management, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey

Knowledge and Information Science

International Editorial Board

Dr. Hamid R. Jamali; Senior Lecturer, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia

Knowledge and Information Science

International Editorial Board

Dr. Muzammil Tahira Professor in Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Hasan ashrafi-rizi Professor in Department of Medical Library and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Hossein Asgharpur Professor in Department of Economics, University of Tabriz


Editorial Board

Dr. Muhammad Asghari Professor in Department of Philosophy, University of Tabriz,


Editorial Board

Dr. Rahim Badri Professor in Department of Education, University of Tabriz

Educational Psychology

Editorial Board

Dr. Afshin Hamdipour Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Tabriz

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Rasoul Zavaraqi Associate Professor in Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Tabriz

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

ِDr. Ayaz Isazadeh Professor in Department of Computer Science, University of Tabriz

Computer Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Gholamreza Fadaie Professor in Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Tehran

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Abdol-Hossein Farajpahlou Professor in Department of Knowledge and information Science, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Mahdieh Mirzabeigi Associate Professor in Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Shiraz

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Nader Naghshine Associate Professor in Department of Knowledge and information Science, University of Tehran

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Mohsen Nowkarizi Professor in Department of Knowledge and information Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Knowledge and Information Science

Editorial Board

Dr. Hashem Atapour Associate Professor in Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Tabriz

Knowledge and Information Science,

Editorial Board

Vahideh Zarea Professor in Medical Knowledge and Information Science, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Medical Library and Information Science


Sohaila Nabizadeh-Ghivi Ph.D. Student in Knowledge and Information Management, University of Tabriz

Knowledge and Information Management


Section Editor

Sima Tayari Master Degree Student in Scientometrics, University of Tabriz

