Document Type : Original Article


1 Information Science Department, faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Iran, Tehran

2 Department of Information Science, faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Iran, Tehran



Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of organizational intelligence on the performance of public library employees in Bushehr province.
Methodlogy: This research is based on practical purpose and descriptive-analytical method, and it was conducted in order to determine the effect of organizational intelligence on improving the performance of public library employees in Bushehr province. The statistical population of this research is 164 employees of public libraries in Bushehr province. In this research, two questionnaires of Karl Albrecht's organizational intelligence and the employee performance questionnaire derived from the Echio employee performance model were used.
Findlings The findings showed the effect of organizational intelligence components on the performance of public library employees, which includes strategic vision, desire for change, morale, unity and agreement, application of knowledge, common destiny and performance pressure in a significant way. It is effective. Also, the demographic variables of the research community, which include gender, level of education, and service history, have no effect on the opinions of the research community on organizational intelligence.
Conclusion: According to the results of the present research and the comparative research, the concept of organizational intelligence, which is based on different definitions of experts in this field, has certain components based on the level of awareness of employees. Every organization has one of its components that are effective in their performance.
Value: This article is the first research in which the effect of organizational intelligence components among public library librarians has been conducted.


Main Subjects