Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctoral student of information science and epistemology majoring in information management, University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran

2 Member of the academic staff of the University of Science and Research

3 Member of the academic staff of the Islamic Azad University, Rodhen branch


Objective: The research has been conducted in order to present the appropriate components of knowledge management implementation in institutions and organizations implementing informal technical and professional education in Iran. Therefore, from the point of view of the goal, it is an applied research.
Research method: The research method is a combination of exploratory type with qualitative approach and meta-composite and Delphi methods. In the first stage, the meta-combination method was used, and a total of 142 sources related to the research topic were found, and finally 9 researches were analyzed. After the identification of the categories by metacombination method, with the fuzzy Delphi method, with the help of questionnaire and survey of experts, validation and presentation of the final indicators were done.
Findings: The codes obtained from the texts and extracting all the factors in five categories and seven components under the headings 1) policy and planning category; 2) structure category; 3) human resources category; 4) process category and 5) category: infrastructure and capability of information and communication technology were categorized. Then, taking into account the mentioned categories and components, statistical codes (concepts) and based on the mentioned concepts, questions were prepared from the experts.
Result: The result is that the participation of human resources, the support of the organization's board of directors (president and vice presidents) and the support of the government (administrative and employment organizations, program and budget) are the most important factors in establishing the knowledge management of the organization.


Main Subjects