Document Type : Original Article


1 MA, Department of Education, School of Humanity, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Education, School of Humanity, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran


Purpose: Organizations that give importance to the intellectual capital in the organization and strengthen the organizational learning process perform better in achieving high levels of growth and development. For this reason, in the last few decades, paying attention to the mentioned structures has become an unavoidable necessity. Thus, the purpose of this research was to predict organizational inertia based on intellectual capital and organizational learning.
Methodology: The type of research, descriptive-correlation and statistical population included 623 employees of Kashan University, from whom 150 people were selected as a sample through Morgan's table and simple random sampling method. The research tool was three questionnaires of organizational inertia, intellectual capital and organizational learning. The reliability of questionnaires was estimated through Cronbach's alpha coefficient for organizational inertia 0.75, intellectual capital 0.87 and organizational learning 0.90.
Result: The results showed that the average of intellectual capital and organizational learning variables was higher than the criterion score and the average of organizational inertia was lower than the criterion score. The path coefficients of intellectual capital (Beta=-0.61) and organizational learning (Beta=-0.61) have a negative and significant relationship with organizational inertia.
Conclusion: In current organizations, due to the complexities related to technology and the competitive environment, it is ineffective to maintain a static state and prevent change. In order to eliminate and reduce inefficiency, managers can make optimal use of intellectual capital in the organization; strengthen the organizational learning process and knowledge sharing, which can prepare for any organizational change in the organization.


Main Subjects