Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Ph.D. in Knowledge and Information Science, Scientific Resources Development Department, Islamic World Science and Technology Citation and Monitoring Institute, ISC, Shiraz, Iran

3 Master student in Information Management, Yazd University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Yazd, Iran


Purpose: This study investigates the correlation between bibliometric and altmetrics indices of Iranian JCR (Journal Citation Reports) journals, with a focus on their presence on social media platforms.
Methodology: The research utilized a scientometric approach to examine all Iranian JCR journals indexed in the Web of Science database in 2022. Initial data retrieval identified 156 Iranian journal titles, with 94 of them being shared at least once on social media, yielding variable scores. Data collection was carried out using the database, and data analysis was conducted using Pearson's correlation test in the SPSS (v.23) software.
Findings: The results indicate that Twitter is the primary platform for sharing scientific research among Iranian JCR journals on social media, with Pinterest and LinkedIn being underutilized. Interestingly, there was no significant relationship found between highly cited Iranian JCR journals and their presence on social media platforms, suggesting that some highly cited journals are not being shared on these platforms.
Conclusion: Although Iranian journals exhibit promise in certain indicators, there is a need for increased utilization in scientific circles. Notably, a positive correlation was observed between journal citations and mentions on virtual social networks, emphasizing the importance of further exploration of this relationship.
Value: This study emphasizes the potential for comparing bibliometric and altmetrics indicators to monitor scientific outputs in both traditional and virtual environments.


Main Subjects

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