Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor,, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Razi University, Iran

2 Master of of Knowledge and Information Science, Central Library, Razi University, Kermanshah,


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the knowledge structure of Hawraman research in Iran.
Methodology: This study employed content analysis techniques, specifically co-word analysis and information clustering. The research community encompassed all scientific outputs from the beginning until 2022.
Findings: The findings indicate a significant growth in research on Hawraman over the past two decades, with over 15 geographical areas being studied. Co-word analysis revealed more than 1500 concepts or keywords mentioned, with "Hawraman," "Tourism," "local architecture," and "Hawrami dialect" being the most frequently used concepts. Notably, the conceptual pairs "Hawraman-tourist attractions," "Hawraman-history," and "Hawraman-Palangan" exhibited the highest co-occurrences. Additionally, clustering analysis uncovered 15 main clusters within the field's knowledge. Furthermore, the analysis of conceptual maps showed extensive relationships between concepts, indicating a dense network of interconnected ideas.
Conclusion: The Hawraman region has gained substantial attention from researchers due to its unique environmental conditions and UNESCO registration. Consequently, there has been a surge in research, leading to the exploration of numerous concepts. This research provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of Hawraman research and sheds light on the key issues being investigated.
Value: This study represents the first attempt at analyzing research data for an area in western Iran.


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