Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. candidate in Information Science, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

2 Professor, Department of Knwoeldge and Information Science, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the benefits and limitations of digitization of cultural heritage objects in the context of cultural heritage (Libraries, archives, and museums) and to increase the focus and attention to the digitization of cultural heritage objects that are at risk.
Methodology: This study has been done by a systematic review of resources in the Scopus database. The retrieved resources are then analyzed and visualized by Excel and VOSviewer software.
Findings: Digitization of cultural heritage objects affects the way of access, protection, and management of cultural heritage and has led to the democratization of content, increased global access, and preservation of cultural heritage objects. Digitization will stimulate the integration of libraries, archives, and museums in the context of cultural heritage due to the numerous overlaps in terms of public functions. Digitization of cultural heritage objects also has challenges such as financial issues, lack of expertise skills, legal restrictions on intellectual property, technology obsolescence, the digital divide in societies, the risk of distortion and alteration of information and metadata in the web environment, and finally, the user perceives the sensation of a digitized object relative to its physical version.
Conclusion: Digitization of cultural heritage objects by advanced technologies, in addition to paving the way for the integration of libraries, archives, and museums, has created a new renaissance for cultural heritage objects in the context of cultural heritage. The role of digitization of cultural heritage objects in libraries, archives, and museums is significant, especially during the Covid 19 Pandemic, for remote access and greater audience access to cultural centers. However, it is important to note that our approach to digitalization should be modular, extensible, and flexible to be effective in sustainable protection. Let us also keep in mind that the digitization of cultural heritage objects, with all its benefits, will never replace physical experiences, but will complement and accompany natural cultural objects in the context of cultural heritage.
Value: This study, for the first time, analyzes the benefits and limitations of digitization of cultural heritage objects in the context of cultural heritage and can be useful for decision-makers and policymakers in the field of cultural heritage.


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