Document Type : Original Article


Master in Knowledge and Information Science


Purpose: explaining the components of access based on one of the dimensions fundamental change theory in the process of seeking information students in virtual space.

Method: The present study is a qualitative using semi-structured interviews. Population consist of BA students in education and psychology Faculty of university of Tabriz, selected using snowball sampling. Finally, using the opinions of 21 students, required data came to the saturation. To analyze qualitative data and extract components from the method of coding the grounded theory and MaxQDA software used.
Findings :To design access model and to discover a common concept of the definition of the phenomenon in question (access), considering causal conditions (context of using the knowledge and ability of others and types of content used in virtual space), contextual variables (access tools), strategies (how to access information resources, having the necessary skills to use information resources independently, using the knowledge and abilities of others in virtual space), intervening conditions (barriers to accessing information) and consequences of access (application of virtual space for users) was explained.
Value: The value of this research is to show one of the important dimensions of the theory of fundamental change (access) that is affected by the virtual environment.

Conclusion: The emergence of electronic resources in virtual space and the unique features of virtual space have changed the information-seeking behavior of students, and need to have necessary abilities and skills in the field of information literacy, computer literacy, Internet literacy, communication literacy, critical literacy, and culture literacy.
